标题 | 报告日期 | 机构名称 | 研究员 |
美国经济:零售显示消费放缓 | 2025-03-18 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
美国经济:通胀超预期放缓,但不确定性仍在 | 2025-03-13 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
全球经济:海湖庄园协议构想:前景与影响 | 2025-03-11 | 招银国际 | 叶丙南,刘泽晖 |
美国经济:就业市场仍然稳健,联储将继续暂停降息 | 2025-03-10 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
美国经济:不确定性上升 | 2025-03-07 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
Acquisition of Pegatron’s Kunshan plant to further boost iPhone assembly share gain
Based on filings of Pegatron (iPhone OEM) on 28 Dec, Luxshare is expected toinvest RMB 2.1bn for 62.5% stake of Pegatron’s iPhone assembly plant inKunshan. After the deal close, Luxshare will become the 2nd largest iPhoneassembler with 35%+ share after Foxconn, and Pegatron will target to reallocateresources and regional production capacity. Despite recent macro headwindsand iPhone’s pressure from Huawei’s comeback, we believe Luxshare is wellpositioned for further share gain across Apple’s iPhone/ Watch/AirPods/VisionPro supply chain in FY24/25E. We are positive on Luxshare’s synergy withrecent acquisitions, fast-growing auto/comm. business and better operatingefficiency in FY24/25E. The stock is trading at 22.2x/17.6x FY23/24E P/E (1-sdbelow 5-yr avg. P/E). Maintain BUY with the same TP of RMB46.96 (based on24x FY24E P/E). Upcoming catalysts include Vision Pro ramp-up and auto tier-1 progress.
Luxshare to acquire Pegatron’s iPhone assembly plant in Kunshan,boosting iPhone assembly share. Luxshare will invest RMB 2.1bn in theKunshan plant for 62.5% stake as capital expansion, and Pegatron’s stakein the facility will drop to 37.5%. After the expansion into iPhone assemblybusiness since iPhone 14 Series, Luxshare has been gaining shares withorder win of three iPhone 15 models in 2023, including premium 15 Pro.Foxconn, Pegatron and Luxshare are the three major iPhone assemblerswith share allocation of 60%, 25% and 15%, based on our estimates. Afterthe deal close, we believe Luxshare will surpass Pegatron to become the2nd largest iPhone assembler after Foxconn.
Accelerated share gain across Apple product lines and strong outlookin auto/comm segments. Luxshare pre-announced FY23E net incomegrowth at 17.5-22.5% YoY in 3Q23 earnings release, implying 31% YoYgrowth in 4Q23 (vs 15% in 3Q). We believe stronger earnings in 4Q23 wasa result of Luxshare’s share gain in top module/ smartphone OEM biz andhigher share allocation of high-end models, and we are positive on furtheriPhone OEM business upside in FY24/25E post Kunshan plant acquisition.In addition, comm./auto tier-1 business are poised to deliver solid growthand better margins with order wins and product portfolio expansion.
Attractive risk/reward; Reiterate BUY. We are positive on Luxshare’sshare gain across Apple product lines and robust auto/comm. outlook, andmarket concerns on Huawei’s comeback are overdone. The stock is tradingat 22.2x/17.6x FY23/24E P/E, close to 1-SD below 5-year hist. avg. P/E.Reiterate BUY with the same TP of RMB46.96 (24x FY24E P/E).
标题 | 报告日期 | 机构名称 | 研究员 |
Strengthened earnings certainty drives valuation recovery | 2025-03-19 | 招银国际 | Jill Wu,Benchen Huang |
美国经济:零售显示消费放缓 | 2025-03-18 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
24财年业绩稳健,受益于产业链自主可控趋势,上调至“买入”评级 | 2025-03-17 | 招银国际 | 杨天薇,张元圣,蒋嘉豪 |
Solid FY24 results; Upgrade to BUY being key beneficiary in domestic localization | 2025-03-14 | 招银国际 | Lily Yang,Kevin Zhang,Jiahao Jiang |
美国经济:通胀超预期放缓,但不确定性仍在 | 2025-03-13 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
名称 | 研报 | 看多 家数 | 最高 目标价 | 最低 目标价 | 现价 |
贵州茅台 | 详细 | 50 | 2600.00 | 1674.00 | 1573.75 |
五粮液 | 详细 | 44 | 223.00 | 162.00 | 134.60 |
东鹏饮料 | 详细 | 43 | 309.05 | 256.00 | 234.45 |
珀莱雅 | 详细 | 42 | 145.22 | 110.00 | 84.83 |
山西汾酒 | 详细 | 42 | 285.00 | 204.51 | 217.00 |
宁德时代 | 详细 | 42 | 421.00 | 300.00 | 256.00 |
比亚迪 | 详细 | 41 | 520.37 | 313.15 | 372.00 |
爱美客 | 详细 | 40 | 299.47 | 202.76 | 190.10 |
今世缘 | 详细 | 38 | 75.00 | 50.00 | 52.15 |
青岛啤酒 | 详细 | 37 | 94.12 | 63.15 | 72.67 |
天味食品 | 详细 | 36 | 21.90 | 14.01 | 13.66 |
伊利股份 | 详细 | 36 | 42.21 | 30.08 | 27.67 |
恺英网络 | 详细 | 35 | 22.47 | 15.83 | 16.10 |
盐津铺子 | 详细 | 34 | 71.70 | 59.75 | 57.77 |
古井贡酒 | 详细 | 34 | 300.00 | 217.84 | 175.79 |