标题 | 报告日期 | 机构名称 | 研究员 |
美国经济:零售显示消费放缓 | 2025-03-18 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
美国经济:通胀超预期放缓,但不确定性仍在 | 2025-03-13 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
全球经济:海湖庄园协议构想:前景与影响 | 2025-03-11 | 招银国际 | 叶丙南,刘泽晖 |
美国经济:就业市场仍然稳健,联储将继续暂停降息 | 2025-03-10 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
美国经济:不确定性上升 | 2025-03-07 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
FY23 in-line with better-than-feared 1H24 earnings guidance; Solid outlook ahead
Luxshare posted FY23 revenue/NP growth of 8%/20% YoY, largely in-line withpre-announcement of 20-25% YoY, while 1H24E earnings guidance of 20-25%YoY (implying 2Q24E 18%-27% YoY) is above market expectations. We believethe strong 1H24 outlook is mainly driven by 1) datacenter connectivity(optic/copper) products, cooling and power solutions, and 2) auto bizmomentum on stronger NEV and ADAS/AD demand from overseas markets.Looking forward, despite recent macro headwinds and iPhone shipmentweakness, we believe Luxshare is well-positioned to capture opportunities indatacentre connectivity business, automotive connector business, gain share iniPhone/MacBook/iPad/Watch OEM/components and Apple’s multiple productlaunches in 2H24E. We slightly adjusted FY24-25E EPS by -1/-1% to factor inFY23 results. The stock now trades at 14.2x/11.5x FY24/25E P/E, close to 1-SD below 5-yr avg. P/E. Maintain BUY with TP of RMB46.61 based on same24x FY24E P/E.
FY23 & 1Q24 mostly in-line. Luxshare’s FY23 revenue/earnings growth of8%/20% YoY was mostly in-line with earlier preannouncement. By segment,CE/computer/auto/communication delivered +10%/-34%/+51%/+13% YoY.Mgmt. highlighted business breakthrough with key customers in datacentreconnectivity products, cooling and power product solutions with potentialclient/order wins. Auto business saw healthy growth momentum backed bystrategic partnerships and solid auto product portfolio. In addition, Luxsharealso announced 1Q24 revenue/earnings growth of 4.9%/22.5% YoY withGPM of 10.7%, above market expectations.
Better-than-feared 1H24 earnings guidance; datacenter and autobusiness as key growth drivers. Luxshare pre-announced 1H24Eearnings growth of 20-25% YoY, implying 18%-27% YoY growth in 2Q24E.We believe the solid 2Q24E earnings is driven by 1) accelerated demand indatacentre connectivity, 2) auto business expansion in both domestic andoverseas markets, and 3) GPM recovery and expense controls.
Attractive risk/reward at 14.2x/11.5x FY24/25E; Reiterate BUY. Weslightly adjusted FY24-25E EPS to reflect FY23 results. The stock nowtrades at 14.2/11.5x FY24/25E P/E, 1-SD below 5-year hist. avg P/E.Reiterate BUY with TP of RMB 46.61 based on same 24x FY24E P/E.Catalysts include top module/ iPhone share gain, datacenter/auto tier-1business progress and Apple’s multiple new product launches in the comingmonths.
标题 | 报告日期 | 机构名称 | 研究员 |
Strengthened earnings certainty drives valuation recovery | 2025-03-19 | 招银国际 | Jill Wu,Benchen Huang |
美国经济:零售显示消费放缓 | 2025-03-18 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
24财年业绩稳健,受益于产业链自主可控趋势,上调至“买入”评级 | 2025-03-17 | 招银国际 | 杨天薇,张元圣,蒋嘉豪 |
Solid FY24 results; Upgrade to BUY being key beneficiary in domestic localization | 2025-03-14 | 招银国际 | Lily Yang,Kevin Zhang,Jiahao Jiang |
美国经济:通胀超预期放缓,但不确定性仍在 | 2025-03-13 | 招银国际 | 刘泽晖,叶丙南 |
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比亚迪 | 详细 | 41 | 520.37 | 313.15 | 372.00 |
爱美客 | 详细 | 40 | 299.47 | 202.76 | 190.10 |
今世缘 | 详细 | 38 | 75.00 | 50.00 | 52.15 |
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